There was a pick your five quiz on Facebook the other day on this subject, and I had such a hard time narrowing it down to just five. I thought I'd post a more complete list here.
George W. Bush
Karl Rove
Dick Cheney
Ann Coulter

Rush Limbaugh
Bill O'Reilly
Pauly Shore
Gilbert Gottfreid
Jim Belushi
Anyone else responsible for According To Jim
Sissy Spacek
Anyone named Kardashian
All the Bachelors and Bachelorettes
Mel Gibson
Fred Phelps
All Televangalists
Newt Gingrich
Sarah Palin
All drivers in front of me in traffic
All shoppers in front of me in line
Anyone in front of me
Michael Vick

Marcus Vick
All wannabe thug rappers
Religious fanatics
Rich people
Anyone who works in a call center in India

Anyone who drives a huge, gas-guzzling SUV that I can't see around
Guys who ride around with their stereos up way too loud
Everyone who tries to rewrite history to make Ronald Reagan look like a great President
Whoever won that $220 million dollar lottery
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